Re-installing your OS and re-arranging your whole system of harddisks and data storage is severe punishment, isn't it? So while I'm watching my new EVE Client downloading motherf$&*!ing 6 GB of installation data, I can't help but remember the good ol' days™. You know, there was a time when all of EVE would fit on a single CD-ROM... I remember this clearly because at university, when I had free time on my hands, I used to plug said CD-ROM into one of the public workstations and go for a spin. Good times. The graphics of course were nothing like today, at least with the "classic" client, but it worked and that was all that mattered.
Going back even a bit further, I also have distinct memories of my very first weeks in EVE, which was somewhere around late 2004/early 2005. Compared to other space simulation games, EVE looked so cool and stylish. And confusing. The tiny fonts, the overwhemling amount of in-game options, and that horrible, horrible tutorial... I believe there were online groups of people who had mastered the tutorial and still played the game - the hardcore players. If that doesn't make any sense to you, ask someone who suffered through the old tutorial, and you'll get your fair share of war stories. It was that bad.
But I realize I'm ranting like an angry old man, so I'll stop now. The download's ready and there are things to do. See ya in space, or something.